About Us

Conveniently located in the heart of Central, HK VENT is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, such as a custom-built soundproof speech therapy studio, an ENT operation theatre for minor office-based ENT procedures,video-laryngo-stroboscopy for detailed laryngeal function assessment, skin-prick tests for patients with allergic rhinitis and a digital video archiving system for comprehensive documentation of all clinical and video files. Minimally invasive radiofrequency treatment facilities are also available for managing sleep disordered breathing and nose obstruction.

Specialists at HK VENT collaborate to provide thorough clinical assessments, diagnoses and therapies to patients with voice and ENT problems. The diagnostic process is individualized for each patient and may include the following specialized services:

    • general ENT disorders,
    • voice disorders,
    • sleep disordered breathing,
    • hearing assessment and hearing aid prescription.

In addition, our specialists have strong ongoing partnerships with the community and are actively involved in public health education.

Thank you for visiting our site.

This website provides an overview of the clinical services of HK VENT. For any enquiries or clinical referrals, please contact us at Tel: (852) 3116-2408 or Fax: (852) 3116-2421.

© Copyright 2011. The Hong Kong Voice and ENT Centre. All rights reserved.